She’s a formidable force in global media; former editor of the New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Tatler, The Daily Beast and Newsweek. But it is her vantage point as a media influencer and a Hillary Clinton confidante – along with her acerbic tongue and her clear-eyed take on American media and Trump – that makes listening to Tina Brown a real treat.
And she was in superb form as she took the Algebra stage to decode what Trump’s shock election really signalled for America, and for the world at large. There were fascinating firsthand insights into what went down in America this November — from why white educated women voted Trump to why the media misread everything, to what keeps Hillary with Bill Clinton, among others. One of many sobering takeaways of the conversation? Tina’s warning, prescient not just for the US but around the world: “beware of charisma.”
Watch the full session above.
14th April, 2019
14th April, 2019
7th April, 2019
31st March, 2019
31st March, 2019
27th January, 2019
Algebra, the Arts & Ideas Club brings together a fellowship of people who believe great cities are built not just on infrastructure but a life of the mind; who understand robust and liberal societies need the oxygen of great conversation and nuanced thinking.
At a time when we are increasingly surrounded by rage and noise, Algebra is a live and continuous space for people to come together for a genuine exchange of ideas and exposure to issues; where new seeds could be sparked, fresh perspectives formed, and intelligent connections made.
Algebra – the Arts and Ideas Club is designed to host almost 35 engagements over the year with topline thinkers and practitioners from almost every discipline that impacts human affairs: politics, economy, environment, spirituality, cinema, medicine, science, technology, music, media, literature, the arts, sports, people’s movements, et al.
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