Few public figures in India today combine erudition and charm with the effortlessness of Shashi Tharoor.
And both were on full display when the politician and writer took the Algebra stage to serve up a searing indictment of the British Raj and its impact on India’s economy.
In an inspired takedown – one that built on his viral Oxford Union lecture of 2015 – he shattered the mythical pillars on which narratives of British benevolence are built.
The conversation, taking off from his new book, Era of Darkness, was more than a history lesson: it was a fascinating insight into why we are the people we are today. Shashi spoke with passion of the Colonial Holocaust, the 35 million Indians who died because of Britain’s famine policy; the insane taxation; the wilful destruction of India’s steel, shipbuilding and textile industries and the impact of all of this on contemporary Indian psyche.
Watch the full session above and if you haven’t yet read the book, we suggest you buy a copy now.
14th April, 2019
14th April, 2019
7th April, 2019
31st March, 2019
31st March, 2019
27th January, 2019
Algebra, the Arts & Ideas Club brings together a fellowship of people who believe great cities are built not just on infrastructure but a life of the mind; who understand robust and liberal societies need the oxygen of great conversation and nuanced thinking.
At a time when we are increasingly surrounded by rage and noise, Algebra is a live and continuous space for people to come together for a genuine exchange of ideas and exposure to issues; where new seeds could be sparked, fresh perspectives formed, and intelligent connections made.
Algebra – the Arts and Ideas Club is designed to host almost 35 engagements over the year with topline thinkers and practitioners from almost every discipline that impacts human affairs: politics, economy, environment, spirituality, cinema, medicine, science, technology, music, media, literature, the arts, sports, people’s movements, et al.
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