He may be the archetype action hero – yet, in a conversation lit by wit and candour, we discovered that Sanjay Dutt is also a man who can take life’s rough knocks with rare grace.
There’s no taking away from the undoings that have come to mark his life, but in a conversation rich with insight, humour and a complex inner life, we discovered a face of Sanjay we hadn’t seen before – from the poignant aside that his father had never hugged him till he went to jail, to the fact that it was Indira Gandhi who suggested Sunil Dutt send him to boarding school, a decision that in Sanjay’s words “made a man out of me”.
Also in the conversation were guns, beef, Bal Thackeray, underworld dons, solitary confinement and his three wives – but we won’t attempt to repeat all that was shared onstage. If you were there, you know already that this was a special evening. If you weren’t – watch the full session above to glimpse the charismatic world of Sanjay Dutt.
14th April, 2019
14th April, 2019
7th April, 2019
31st March, 2019
31st March, 2019
27th January, 2019
Algebra, the Arts & Ideas Club brings together a fellowship of people who believe great cities are built not just on infrastructure but a life of the mind; who understand robust and liberal societies need the oxygen of great conversation and nuanced thinking.
At a time when we are increasingly surrounded by rage and noise, Algebra is a live and continuous space for people to come together for a genuine exchange of ideas and exposure to issues; where new seeds could be sparked, fresh perspectives formed, and intelligent connections made.
Algebra – the Arts and Ideas Club is designed to host almost 35 engagements over the year with topline thinkers and practitioners from almost every discipline that impacts human affairs: politics, economy, environment, spirituality, cinema, medicine, science, technology, music, media, literature, the arts, sports, people’s movements, et al.
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