They represent two distinct generations and genres of filmmaking, yet they have more in common than immediately apparent.
Sharmila Tagore and Konkona Sen Sharma have both successfully married arthouse and mainstream impulses, and both – as Shoma perfectly put it – put a wedge in the door for creative, compelling cinema outside of easy labels.
In an hour-long conversation punctuated by personal anecdotes, memorable asides, and an astonishing compliment from Sharmila to her fellow-speaker – “I think after Satyajit Ray, it’s Konkana Sen Sharma” – we found ourselves in turn amused, engaged and riveted as the conversation flowed easily and the nuances of their craft emerged.
So, too, did a hefty dose of charm and candour, such as when Sharmila spoke of late husband Tiger Pataudi’s innate self-assurance. Asked whether he was ever anxious about her co-stars or insecure about her and other actors, Sharmila laughed and said “no, because he was always told her, “There are two hundred actors, but there’s only one cricket captain.” Konkona added to the candour when she admitted she did not resonate with a single character she’s ever played except Mithi, a young schizophrenic woman in 15 Park Avenue, and Shutu, the tremulous, suicidal protagonist in her directorial debut A Death in the Gunj.
Watch the riveting, full conversation above
14th April, 2019
14th April, 2019
7th April, 2019
31st March, 2019
31st March, 2019
27th January, 2019
Algebra, the Arts & Ideas Club brings together a fellowship of people who believe great cities are built not just on infrastructure but a life of the mind; who understand robust and liberal societies need the oxygen of great conversation and nuanced thinking.
At a time when we are increasingly surrounded by rage and noise, Algebra is a live and continuous space for people to come together for a genuine exchange of ideas and exposure to issues; where new seeds could be sparked, fresh perspectives formed, and intelligent connections made.
Algebra – the Arts and Ideas Club is designed to host almost 35 engagements over the year with topline thinkers and practitioners from almost every discipline that impacts human affairs: politics, economy, environment, spirituality, cinema, medicine, science, technology, music, media, literature, the arts, sports, people’s movements, et al.
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